Regenerative Agriculture
What is Regenerative Agriculture? And why do we call our Beef REGENERATIVE BEEF?
We joke that we are SOIL farmers first and the cows are our tools. Our soil health is as important as our cows and we do everything we can to nourish the earth.
If we have nutrient dense soil, we have nutrient grasses. And if we have nutrient dense grasses then we have nutrient dense meat.
The principles of Regenerative Agriculture are:
Don’t disturb the soil. This means NO TILLING. When we seed we don’t plough or disturb the soil. We need to protect our precious top soil, and every time we disturb the soil we are at risk of more and more weeds, which means many resort to more and more pesticides. Not us!
Keep the soil covered. This goes hand in hand with the point above. If we keep the soil covered by different plants and root structures it protects it from the sun and from heavy frost, and also increases the water retention - great in a drought!
Keep living roots in the soil. Root action feeds our soils and provides a diverse food system. Soil is ALIVE and needs to et and drink just as we do. We cannot survive in a desert and neither can our soil. And living roots provide great water holding capacity.
Diversity. This means no monocultures. Diversity supports the whole ecosystem and works with nature, encouraging wildlife and pollination and more. Monocultures are very exclusive and do not support a thriving ecosystem.
Livestock - bring back ranging animals. Livestock provide important nutrients in the form of nitrogen and carbon. Their hooves aerate the soils and spread their organic matter. They are amazing weed control and help clean the air and prevent wildfires.
ZERO chemicals. ZERO pesticides. ZERO tilling. Just 100% nourished soils
We plant our pastures with a WIDE ARRAY of forage crops for our cattle. We have a selection of annuals and perrenials, clovers, legumes (alfafalfas), vetch and grasses; crops like pea and oat and barley, sunflowers and brassicas (radish, turnips etc). This provides a DIVERSE root base which creates healthy soils, but also a diverse food source for our cattle.